

"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014."
Linking with Jodi

issa & lili: up at the barn yesterday, we slept there and it was magical! I love this life mainly outside or closed to the fire, simple, based on the rhythm of the sun. There was a little snow, but it was so warm, like a present.

This afternoon, we are leaving to Norway. I can't help from I scheduling a little post for tomorrow with our trip to the barn, that was so amazing!

4 commentaires:

  1. Just beautiful! Can't wait to see the photos of your trip to the barn, it seems like such a magical place :) Norway...have a wonderful time. Safe travels.

  2. Oh l Norvège, quelle chance ! J'attends tes photos !!

  3. J'ai hâte que nous fasse découvrir ton escapade en Norvège!... et puis tes enfants sont ♥
