Comment vous dites ? Papa gâteau ? Fille à papa ? Papa gaga ? Les deux font la paire ?
C'est bien simple, quand on lui dit "papa", elle répond en faisant des bisous !
How to say it? (I won't be able to translate I think!, If you can help?) Daddy fan of his little girl? Daddy's girl?
That's simple. When you tell her "daddy", she answers by kissing!
Wow, what a beautiful shot. She looks like a Daddy's girl. And I should know because I was/am a Daddy's girl too :) When I first got married my dad called every night to see how things were and 19 years later he still calls, not every day, but every few days just to check in.
RépondreSupprimerJ'adore cet instant de bonheur immortalisé :) !
RépondreSupprimertrop mignon! ;)
RépondreSupprimerSuper chou, et ce petit sourire de canaille, tu es très, très jolie Lili ! (Ici aussi 3 filles folles de leur papa ! ;-)