Linking with Jodi
De retour de vacances, douces et mi-ensoleillées, un break de 2 semaines loin d'Internet et des ordinateurs, dont j'avais bien besoin, sans doute pour mieux y revenir !
Merci pour vos mots doux pour notre mariage, tout juste entourés de nos témoins, d'une simplicité très apaisante...
Issa, joyeux pirate, que je vois s'épanouir à passer ses journées dehors à inventer mille histoires. Il nous faudrait vraiment une école Steiner près de chez nous, où il pourrait apprendre sans être enfermé dans une salle de classe.
Lili, un petit thé ? en pleine phase d'imitation, elle nous dit un nouveau mot chaque jour, que ces dix-huit mois sont un âge magique !
Louise, oh Louise, quatre semaines d'affilée avec toi, quelle chance pour nous. Accueillir tes émotions, échanger sans juger, te voir pousser, pousser... plus que 5 cm et elle est aussi grande que moi !
A come back from holidays, lovely holidays, with sun and rain, far from internet and computer. I did really need that distance, perhaps to come back now...
Thanks for all your warm words for our very simple weeding, it was such a lovely day, a lovely event, very quiet and true...
Issa, my sweet pirate, who really need to be outside everyday, as it was obvious during those holidays, I saw him blooming and inventing stories all day long. I wish we could have a Steiner school around for him, to avoid him to be sitting all day long inside.
Lili, a cup of tea? She in the high phase of imitation, that is so funny to see and such a treasure to observe during minutes and hours, how she acquires so fast, saying new words every day. Oh I love this 18 months age, so incredible.
Louise, Oh my Louise, it was such a treasure to spend 4 whole continuous weeks with you, taking the time to welcome your feelings, listening to your heart and seeing your growing so fast too! Only 2 inches and she will be as tall as me!
Welcome back! Lovely photos of your kiddos. It looks like everyone had a wonderful.