
home with issa

En rentrant de Strasbourg hier tard dans la nuit, je pensais pouvoir dormir jusqu'au matin d'un trait. C'était sans compter les cauchemars de l'une et la gastro de l'autre. Au petit matin, issa, même malade, était plus que content de commencer à planifier sa journée à la maison avec sa maman.
Et voilà que notre jour d'école à la maison, de petits fermiers (de poules) et de télétravail (un peu quand même pour moi) a pu commencer.
Le Milan royal était au centre de notre journée, comme souvent ces derniers temps, car issa aime vraiment beaucoup cet oiseau. Depuis le week-end dernier ça c'est encore amplifié, depuis une ballade en montagne avec des amis, où il a surpris un milan et a vu son regard de près.
Ses jours son plein d'histoires de milans, que j'essaie d'accueillir comme de précieux trésors. 
Ces dernières semaines, ces derniers mois, je ressens tant son besoin de plus de nature, plus de ballades dans les bois, plutôt que d'être assis sur une chaise à l'école.
Ah et puis ce film, sortit il y a quelques mois déjà et que j'ai hâte/peur d'aller voir, pour que ça me donne encore plus envie de voir les choses différemment...
Ah! cette année et ces questions :)

While late last night I was just coming back from a 3-days working trip in Strasbourg, I was hoping I could sleep until the morning without interruption. But it was decided differently and both lili and issa woke up during the night, one for a nightmare, the other because he was sick. 
In the morning, even sick, Issa was so happy that he could stay at home with me in order to recover from his gastroenteritis. He was not so sick, but this kind of sickness is not the one you prefer for being at school with.
And then, our day of homeschooling, homesteading with the chicken and home working for me (part of time) was happily planned. Issa was more than enthusiastic to be with his mother and organize the whole day for both of us. The red kite was the focus point he chose as he really loves this bird. Moreover, last week-end as we were enjoying a hike with some friends in a close mountain, he saw a red kite from very close, with his best friend and it made such an impression to them as they could see his eyes looking at them.
His days are now full of stories with this red kite and I try to welcome them as a precious treasure. These last weeks, perhaps these last months, I really feel that he would need more time in the woods, in the mountains more than on a chair in a classroom. 
For the french readers, I refer to a recent film that I want to go and see, about homeschooling and unschooling (something very confidential here), but I'm a little afraid of the changes it might induce for me, in my inside fight for knowing what is the best/what is feasible/ what is financially possible...
I also read the blog of Jamie, simplehomeschool, and found a particular echo to my questions...
Oh! to be continued!

7 commentaires:

  1. Sorry Issa was not feeling well, but it looks like it lead to a wonderful day. He looks so happy.

    Thanks for the link to the trailer, it looks like a great film, I watched the trailer, and really want to see the full film when it comes out. I can imagine the questions it might bring to the table for you....

  2. it was really a wonderful day... just lacking a little bit of ewtra oustide adventures as I had to work also :)

  3. moi je me sentirais bien incapable d'instruire moi-même mes enfants...
    quelle responsabilité!!

    1. c'est vrai que ça pose tout un tas de questions et d'inquiétudes, mais ça donne envie de liberté aussi...

  4. Je me reconnais dans tes mots, beaucoup d'interrogations à ce sujet aussi ici... ;) Tu étais en visite à Strasbourg donc tu habites la région ? (Je ne suis pas très loin ! ;) )
