

A portrait of my children, each week, in 2015, following Jodi & Else :)

Oh it was so hard to find time to come here, not because I did not want to, but just because June was insane... too many things to do, so few time. I tried to slow down as I could, and go the the essential on earth: good time with them. It meant trying to sleep a maximum, and no computer at home... 
I'll try to find pockets of time to re-connect with my loved blog, and with you, my dearest readers. I promise I'll try...

issa: lion, that's what you are. And that explains why you love your hair like that :)
lili: so happy on Friday when her daddy came back home after a week of travelling in Belgium. She wanted to climb on him!

4 commentaires:

  1. Deux jolis et si plein de vie petits fauves!

  2. He is such a gentle lion though :) I bet you were all glad when daddy came back home. Take care of yourself my friend. Miss you in your space. xo

  3. Aww what lovely shots, they've both got so much personality!

  4. What wonderful shots. Issa is fierce, great lion!
    No worries about being away, summer calls for all of us and we have to answer! Thank goodness for this project that forces me to come because some weeks, it's all I can manage myself. Nous serons là à ton retour. Profite du bon temps!
