

Un portrait de mes enfants chaque semaine / linking with Jodi 

issa: on a bad mood, as he eated sugar and he was tired... combination of what is worse for him!
lili: growing so fast these days, she made her first sentence some days ago 'issa went school', I just was amazed a long moment during!
louise&lili: such a treasure of complicity between sisters! My mama heart!

3 commentaires:

  1. Oh my, that photo of Issa, it is a face I see around here at times too :) Hope the bad mood didn't last too long.

    Love the photo of big and little sister, the light is beautiful.

    Hope you are well and enjoying your weekend. xo

  2. Oh that's such a sweet sisterly picture, they do look cosy and snug together!

  3. I so understand the sugar/tired combination... so we get that here every once in a while as well. Your girls are adorable. Such sweet pictures of your darlings. Hope you week-end was wonderful.
